
New York, NY 10030 - New York County

(646) 759-7805

About Us:

Car Lease With Bad Credit is a customer focused leasing company that can help you get the vehicle of your dreams. We will work with you to identify the exact make and model you need, negotiate a great deal on your behalf, and even help to arrange great financing. If you live in or around New York, you won’t find a better option for leasing a new car, truck, SUV, minivan, or other vehicle. Whether you are nearing the end of your existing lease, or you are looking to lease a car for the first time, give us a call at 646-759-7805 to speak with one of our leasing specialists. If you decide to sell your car, call us. We pay cash for your used or junk cars and offer a FREE pickup in New York and New Jersey backed up by eCarsCash


About Car Lease With Bad Credit:

Car Lease With Bad Credit is a customer focused leasing company that can help you get the vehicle of your dreams. We will work with you to identify the exact make and model you need, negotiate a great deal on your behalf, and even help to arrange great financing. If you live in or around New York, you won’t find a better option for leasing a new car, truck, SUV, minivan, or other vehicle. Whether you are nearing the end of your existing lease, or you are looking to lease a car for the first time, give us a call at 646-759-7805 to speak with one of our leasing specialists. If you decide to sell your car, call us. We pay cash for your used or junk cars and offer a FREE pickup in New York and New Jersey backed up by eCarsCash

Category: Shopping Centers & Malls


Business Hours:

Sunday: 10:00am to 07:00pm
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: 09:00am to 07:00pm
Saturday: 09:00am to 09:00pm
Holiday: Closed
Map & Directions:
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